Monday, November 15, 2010

..finally back in Cochabamba!!

five years ago, I told the people that I will be back and here I am! :)
In fact, it really drew me back to this place.. without stopping in LaPaz or doing any activities on the way I ended up here.

so after my last entry, I went the next day to Isla del Sol and hiked it again (as I did 5 years ago with Adri ;) didn´t talk a lot on the boat.. lots of foreigners and somehow would have been nice to make some friends, but somehow I didn´t feel like connecting too much.
the best thing was being on the outer end of the island (where some people even were camping out! :) and practising with my toys.. had my contact ball, sticks and meteor with me and even made a little movie with nice background, just too big to upload it at the moment :P
was a beautiful sunny day and so look the pictures, that I´m uploading at Picasa at the moment ;) hehe ;) just underestimated a little bit the distance.. so I left so late, I had to walk (and climb the ridge) quite quickly (still felt my legs after M.P. :P but made it in time back to the boat.. I really wanted to chill out at Copacabana and watch Cable-TV ;) so I had to search the whole place to satisfy my needs, because an international bike race was on (South America I guess). but found a place, got a good pizza for take away and a trout-ceviche (first time I ordered a ceviche on my own and I could even finish it ;) hehe ;) especially nice, because trout from Lago Titicaca.
got up early then and met Tom, another bike-rider that goes frequently back to the States, having his own business and family there but still being on the trip ;) ..eventually I visit him in June in Ohio.. he gots lots of bikes, especially a BMW 800 and 1150 (and I would want to ride them both!! :D haha :D I hope, this happens and Tom takes me out on some more powerful bikes (after I´ll have sold mine long ago :`(
so we rode together to El Alto, where he went to LaPaz and I went direction Cochabamba. Had a big plate of food (that I couldn´t finish) and some cute kids were asking, if they could take home the leftovers (aaahh!! couldn´t be better!! so happy, food doesn´t get wasted and making people happy! :D
then a long ride to CBBA.. wanted to stop along the way, but there was nothing to make a stop (yes, I wanted Cable-TV again ;) hehe ;) so after riding through the altiplano and over some high mountain chain, it dropped down to altitude of CBBA (I think it´s 2400m.a.s.l. and therefore a lot warmer here at the moment! :) picked probably the best time (just don´t come in Jan/Feb or you´ll get wet ;)
didn´t stop to make pictures for being a bit late (and thinking, it´s anyway better to just enjoy it! this is what this trip is about and what stays is the essence.. having a much, much more ample vision of the world! not only landscape, but people, cultures and zillions of experiences! :D
but a nice ride.. you got big flats with hills at the horizon and then red and brown rock formations and riding along exciting roads through the mountains!! :) (bikes are not made for the beach ;) hehe ;)

wow.. I´m uploading my M.P. pictures (after having sorted them out..and still having a lot :P takes a lot of work.. horrible! but yes.. then it´s not all that bad to have some visual memories and my Mom get´s another picture of me ;) but I was laughing to see all the "I´m-here-take-a-picture-of-me" situations ;)
(but at least I can use the bandwith in the background ;) hehe ;)
I got the 1GB almost full.. if it costs money to extend storage, I have to register my second Email as well ;) hehe ;)

so I found a suitable place for the night.. chilled at my room and fell asleep pretty early. But above all, being euphorically happy to be back in CBBA (even if I couldn´t contact my friends yet and just lost my cellphone yesterday at that hotel.. has officially not been found, but tomorrow morning I´ll pass personally again and ask the cleaning lady.. I guess, she found the battery but not the rest O_o so not all hope is lost. Need it back! present from my mom! ;) and furthermore need a chip here to get and stay in contact with my friends.

so the best thing comes now.. I got my old apartment back!!! :D it´s just so incredible wonderful!! :D haha :) Blanca, the owner was super nice and they organized a bed (the whole place was empty) and soon I get a fridge and maybe even TV with cable ;) I got a huge terraze, can make BBQ with friends, the kitchen doesn´t work anymore but luckily I anyway suck cooking ;) so making Muesli and having cold beer and ice for drinks will do ;)
so many memories coming back!!!
I pay about 7 USD a day and have my bike stored at the same building at ground level (I live in the 4th floor ;) there is still the same building manager (being at the reception), lovely Don Hugo, a wonderful person that reconized me on the spot! :D
so I occupied my old room again and will soon make some shopping and being home-based for 2-4 weeks here in CBBA :)
checked already for skydiving and paragliding and checked the artesania-market and found the right guy to make my customized stuff.. it´s gonna be SOOOO BADASS!!! :D haha! :D I´ll get a cloting upgrade for my Shaman and a spare-mask (the character is strongly powered by his wolf-mask, so if I´d loose it, my Shaman would suffer a lot of credits.. this way I get a "spare-life", just in case ;)
..things are soooo cheap here!
then I found some nice Ponchos and all kind of wicked clothing for Psy-Trance parties and my new LARP-Char: kinda asian monk style with probably griffin mythology involved (mainly because one of the available masks next to wolf is eagle ;) hehe ;) so yes.. using my fantasy, this is gonna be another very special character that I will play back home (and also deeply rooted with my philosophies and theories of life! ;)
Yes.. still know pretty well the city. It´s just kinda sad that not much changed in their economy! :( Evo Moralis seems to be very corrupt and spends money for fancy stuff like expensive airplanes and suits, instead of building schools with bathrooms and hospitals with medical supplies. I heard, he gives money to farmers, so of course, they will vote again for him, while there should be more invested in the country.. he´s even about to change a law that he can remain more than two periods (sounds very suspicious to me :P
so I´ll get more into all that over time.. it´s my first day here and I already know what I will buy and send home and what things have to been fabricated for me.. hope I don´t get bored after a week ;) hehe ;) naah.. there are still some nice places to go around here (visit again with company) and visit my old work.. can still help out there if it has to be ;)
so I´m finer than usual and hope you´re being happy as well! :D

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