Friday, April 30, 2010

..lot of things have happened :)

aaahhh.. finally.. back on the road and inspired as inspired can be! :D

I managed to get a cheap trip for myself over to the mainland on the cargo ferry (normally they don´t do, but for having my bike shipped I was allowed to board :) was finally napping in the captains house.. you have no idea how lovely it is to sleep on a rocking boat to the sweet sound of the diesel engine.. it´s really mesmerizing, putting you to sleep quickly :)

then I spent a night in La Ceiba, was tired and didn´t really go out. Thought it´s okay to let the past experience settle and prepare slowly for the next part of the trip. The next day I had a long ride to Copan las Ruinas, where there are some more Mayan ruins. Lost my map on the way :(( because didn´t put it right in my bike and it flew away.. well, after a few days of traveling "blind" and asking a lot for the way, I have now another map for Nicaragua, that´s fairly OK to travel around here.

since I left the Island I got all kind of weather, from pouring rain and thunderstorms to sunny and hot weather. OK.. I have to correct my statement from before, it can also be TOO hot if your riding on a bike.. it´s like hot air from a hair dryer and if you stop, you start melting in all your gear :-/ but well.. as the rainy season really started, there were also cloudy skies (luckily dry! :) and the temperature is more supportable.. get a little bit less light, but it´s still fairly bright on the road :)

the ruins itself weren´t too stunning.. it´s still not a long time ago I saw so much of it and I figured out, once in your lifetime you should see the Mayan ruins, but it´s as going to Mekka, don´t have to do it over and over again ;) it´s mainly because the area is 1km square and it´s fenced all around.. so it´s not as beautiful as being in the jungle in Tikal..
but met some nice people there, had lot´s of interesting conversations and went for a horseback ride for 2 hours.. was fun! we were running a lot with the horses and I´m glad I got my guide the 5-Dollar upgrade to have an own horse.. it sucks if somebody walks next to you while you´re riding!! we visited a small village on a hill nearby and I talked to the teachers at the school, learned some local language (not really spoken by anybody) and the kids from the Kindergarden were singing the national antheme for me ;) hehe :) was really sweet!!
they go to school until 12 years old and then they work on the fields and get married and have children as soon as possible.. well.. other culture, really different even from Copan.

I started then the other morning very early at 6am and had a long day to the capital, Tegucigalpa (a name I couldn´t pronounce to the end ;) was a good ride.. over mountains, some dirt roads, overall very scenic! only to drive the last 30 min I had to sit out a pouring rain (NO WAY you drive in that), saw some accidents then when I continued (glad not to have driven during rain) and could pass the long lines of cars to not be delayed there (bikes RULE!! :)
getting into town, I just barely found a place before the rain started again and had then a wild and adventurous night by going out and spending a good ammount of money ;) but yes.. from time to time this is totally allowed ;)

yesterday I made it over the boarder to Nicaragua.. was a hassle though.. gave 10 bucks to a guy who was running around to get my stuff done (was asking for twenty and I told him, this is nasty to do so!) and got totally ripped off by changing money.. I lost 25 dollars and was happy I spent so much the night before ;) got really angry at this dude, but already was on the other side of the boarder when I figured out the real exchange rate :( I think, I was mostly angry at myself that I was so stupid not to realize this. should have asked before about the course, should have asked somebody else there (guy in a office for example) and worst! could have figured out by making a bit calculations in my head. But well.. it´s financial ineffectiveness, but having a look at the money I still got for the rest of the trip, it doesn´t really matter. just for the future.. I shall never ever mention the price of my bike again!! :( yeah.. stupid me.. but realizing I am mostly angry at myself, I also could forgive me that stupid mistake and I will have many more chances to proof that I´m smarter than that (more crossing about to come ;)
then on the other side the same story.. first the lady was "that is so not right" when I told her about the rip off and told her there is no more tip this day. but still, people ask for money for stuff that is actually free and when they wanted another 5 bucks not tip, but laying to me that I have to pay, I checked around the corner and told this lady afterwards in my best, fluent Spanish: "go to hell and fuck yourselves!! ..all of you!" this then helped me to unload some anger and speak it out loudly (even if the success of this tactic is questionable.. I just felt I have to tell the people that this pisses of certain people). yes.. it was a bit stressful.. but less expensive than Mexico or Honduras (and still Honduras was worst for delaying so long). I mean, standing in this heat and then getting all this stuff together is exhausting and even if it seems so easy afterward it just wasn´t for the first time..

First impressions of Nicaragua: Beautiful!! don´t know why, but it´s a different vibe than Honduras (can´t explain yet). there are a lot of horses and cows in the rural place where I drove through and I realized once more that it´s just wonderful to make this trip on a motorcycle, because riding through all this countries is an incredible experience by itself.. you see so much, start thinking about it and it´s so much fun to drive by yourself! :D haha :)))

I´m in Leon now and the weather stays rainy until Monday.. let´s see if there´s some sun to climb on the Volcano nearby! :) will see a movie I really wanted to see in the cinema this afternoon and there are lots of cool people around to talk to, hang and go out with! :D yes, really like this place!!

made up my plans for Nicaragua, met a guy who is on his way up from Argentina and gave me good tips about servicing and shipping my bike! and this morning I made friend with an awesome guy who can help me to realize my sailing dream! :) at the moment used boats can be bought for 8000 US ..will be more expensive in a few years, but still.. it´s affordable! :D and hell yes, sailing down by yourself is just the continuation of this bike trip (no worries, I will be back home for a good while inbetween this ;) hehe :) just you have to know what you´re doing to not create another wreck by getting too close to the shore.. because no insurance and no captains license (that you don´t need for 10m sailboats..) all in all very enlightening ;)

OK.. that´s it so far.. will upload some pictures the next day and probably going out and getting drunk the next days ;)
hear from me soon and be well out there!! :)

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