Tuesday, November 17, 2009

..the sun breaks through the clouds..

..today was actually the first sunny day with blue sky (was almost shocked.. how could this happen!? ;) hehe :)

on the other side, we progressed with our bilateral negotiations and the things don't seem that lost as before. I think, it took the million tears, to bring us to the point, where we stand now.

for Liz it meant, that she doesn't remain silent here and we can forge our plans and for me it meant, to get a bit more distance to our relationship (what isn't actually a bad thing, considering that I will travel for a long time by myself and considering the uncertainty of our future).

So yes.. somehow it seems possible, that we can get a car and travel on for quite a long time in South America, if this is what we want, once it's getting May. I mean, there are more hurdles to take, but for me it was essential, to know that there exists the possibility to do so.. otherwise I would have loosened our relationship right away (who wants to accelerate, if you're about to hit a wall?? ;) hehe :)

for me it's OK to join every single day that we still have here (and in New York) together and I think, I will start after Liz birthday (6th of January) with my trip and will have about 8 countries to cross. in the meantime Liz will try to get a job and save some money to contribute and we will see how we feel about us, when I reach Colombia.
it will be a mix out of three factors, how much we still love each other, how much Liz can contribute to this trip (I don't want to buy the car with just my own cash) and how much she feels to come to Switzerland after this (getting rid of all the stuff in New York and being prepared for a new stage in her life in the place where I'd like to settle down for 1-2 years after this.. close to Zurich, maybe even apply at my former employer (because I loved it that much there! :)
Liz will have 5 month to get into Spanish and make researches about jobs or studies in Switzerland.. this could be farming or serving tables, freshing up her German in case she wants to make some German studies or find some wicked English studies she wants to do or any work that her Russian/Slavic studies diploma would allow her to do.
I can't tell her what kind of jobs and possibilities in CH there are (as I don't know what I will do after this), but she will have time to figure out and motivate herself for this.

if it doesn't work out, then it's the way it has to be, but I think, then we will both have something better and we don't have to worry about this right now ;)
having the idea to give it a try and the word of their parents that they won't interfere anymore is enough for me to sleep peacefully ;) hehe :)

I mean.. we don't have the final "Yes" for that, but since Liz talked to her parents yesterday, it looks better than ever and I feel, I don't have anything to loose..
I was prepared to let go of all of this, because it was so tough, so much destructive energies, that my feeling told me to do so.. surprisingly things seemed to change (as her parents also care about our relationship) and let's see, how we will end up.. you don't get guarantees for anything in this life, so I should be more calm about all this ;)
what made me turning back to my original plan to do this by myself on a bike was also, that the ammount of difficulties was getting to high to still do all this.. especially when Liz said, that she doesn't know about coming to Switzerland (of course she can't right now, but she told me different things weeks ago.. so I said to myself.. "hmm.. let's see if this will have future"

but compared to the night before, the last night was super splendid wonderful!! :) we bought a tasty 5 dollar champagne and drunk it in the park, had a devine midnight snack at their place and cuddled seeing an animated movie, having a lot of fun! :)

today we were out (with the personal driver of Liz's dad) to a open air museum of old houses and how people lived in different areas of the Ukraine in different centuries. Was really nice!! I took a lot of pictures and will put them online soon :) I hope the black/white ones will be somewhat artistic ;) hehe :)

I'm also improving my english by making all this funny mistakes, that make Liz laugh and telling me, how it's supposed to sound ;) ..and we found small rubber bands for my hear, to section them up again, so I can crochet on and make them look even nicer.. HAHA :D (was hard to find these rubber bands here in Kiev ;)

..yes.. overall.. I'm very happy with my life, happy to be here, happy to love Liz.. can't complain. it seems, that sometimes happiness has to be bought with pain (what buddhists preach for thousands of years ;)

now I'm having a hot bath and then I will meet a CouchSurfing friend here in the city and talk about life and the universe :)

if you read this, drop me some lines! I hope, you're fine out there!! :)

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