Monday, August 30, 2010

..going into overtime..

..a good bye should always be a blast! this time, it was so incredibly wonderful that it was no real good bye. Seems that I´m staying a couple of days more, before I head (really speeded up) to Ecuador ;)

I´ve seen, it´s some days ago that I made my last entry.. I remember having good times, more flights (even if mostly connected to a good ammount of waiting) and being together with Myle above all! :D
now I have 42 flights with about 14 hours of airtime :D made a movie high up in the air and uploaded it into my Facebook ;) had after a stunning flight (I was the first one getting into the thermal and just three of us made it). Going high up, being the last back on ground but during the toplanding in the weak morning winds, I blew it and ended up in the cafeteria :P bummer! would have been a flawless victory, but after that dramatic action, I can´t say that any more ;) hehe :) so what happened was that I ran out of ground in front of me and didn´t pump right, also failed to take the right decision and abort the landing. Instead used my legs to stop my flight into a roof ;) and didn´t get a single scratch of that adventure!! ;D was a good experience.. toplandings are tricky ;)
during full moon, Myle and I sat outside in the grass and enjoyed the changing night sky of Bucaramanga.. yes, really wonderful and magic times!!
we went out on Saturday, eat going to Richies house in the mountains, going back to town to party, staying over night in Richies house again and then leaving the next day to Mesa de los Santos, a beautiful (Swiss like ;) landscape 2000 m.a.s.l. with stunning views into the vallies.. went to the deunde falls and had just greatest (and craziest ;) times ever!!!! :D, what should I do.. I feel, that another few days here are so precious and special that I shouldn´t miss this opportunity. On the other hand, the real good bye will be even more painful, after passing another strongly unifying week together.. but love has it´s own ways and keep going with the flow.
I still have some projects in mind here that I will work on while not being able to fly. But having some extra days of flying isn´t the worst thing after all ;) hehe :)
so Richy drove us back and forth, up and down all in a safe manner, took us to the lake and to the property of his sister where we were driving around with ATVs at night ;) hehe :) I´m feeling very connected to these people! and I´m happy to have found such friends along my way!! Myle is just incredible! surprises me with many things and has so much love for me.. we´re having the best times ever!! :D this is for sure one of the deeper and more important experiences in my life!
hmm.. what more.. I´ll keep you posted ;)

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