Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bye-Bye Dreaddies...

well.. was a black day in the history of dreadlocks, but actually was a welcomed change in the end ;)

it was just hopeless to win the battle against lice in such a thick and lush jungle of hairs on my head. Nits (eggs) hidden in big stems and dozens (probably not hundreds ;) of small little animals, feeding on my scalp.
another issue was that through very few maintenance over the last four months, my dreads got really, really out of shape. Once more, depends a lot of your hairtype how your dreaddies grow and how much maintenance you have to give.. but straight, fine hair is not the easiest way to go ;)
what happens is that if you don´t roll them daily (or every couple of days), to stretch them out, hairs get pulled back, what produces thin parts in the tips where they break, is messing up your tips by pulling them to "clumps" and the pulled back hair forms knots along your dreads :-/
so afterwards I can say, at a certain point, my hair was looking pretty awesome! (after I was investing dozens of hours of work to make them ;) but on long term, I can´t keep up with that. I´m just not the person who spends a lot of time to fix me up ;) hehe :) ..I mean, shower and shave and maybe some gel on my hair, but everything that passes this slight ammount of time is like ironing clothes ;) hehe :)
then I thought, it might be shocking after such a long time having long hair and having dreads, to get it cut shortly.. but no, actually it´s not! :) in fact, looks pretty awesome! :D went back to the old and known style of cut I had for a long time in Switzerland and after the dread-lady opened me my stumps (that hurt quite a bit), I got the best treatment ever from a hairdresser! :D including massage and two washes.. was three years ago that I went to a hair stylist ;) hihi :)
the only thing that sucks a bit is that I sent back home my streetfighter helmet (that would now fit perfectly again and looks a hundred times more badass than the one I use here.. will see if I need a new one.. maybe buy even in Venezuela, because everything so cheap ;) took probably 1.5 hours to cut and undo and was 10 bucks and then 8 bucks for the wash, cut, wash and massage :)
furthermore I appreciate the "filthy" work they did.. I´m sure the dread-lady had to get rid of more than a lice under her finger nails :-/ some fell on the floor, others were climbing on the dead rastas, looking for my scalp (bastard will sufficate or die starving in this plastic bag). Still got them sealed up, but will probably not do a lot with them.. maybe keep the nicest one as a souvenir, but what stays is the experience and some crazy pictures to show my kids ;) hihi :)
life is change
now once cleared the battle field, the little suckers on my head are probably already gone or will be soon.. now the pesticide actually reaches them and the nits can be picked out easily.. after the whole procedure and cutting off 97% of my hair, I still found five lice scratching me and took out more than 20 nits with my bare hands :-/ so having rasta takes the problem to a whole new level.. people soak their hair in petroleum jelly and use vinagre, tea tree oil, showercaps and repeat the procedure over 2-3 weeks to break the spawning cycle.. that´s way too much work to me and especially not traveling and moving from place to place. And as I´m not Samson, I don´t loose my super powers by cutting off my hair ;) hahaha :D ;)

I made my way back to Higuerote yesterday and will have a day for myself today.. my friend asked me to go on the beach with her and her friends, but I´m not too much of a beach person and after being dragged along the last days, I enjoy to be a bit more independent again :)

you will hear from me soon...

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