Tuesday, August 4, 2009

..before the storm.. :)

Hi there :D

I just had a totally awesome week and it's not about to stop! :D haha ;)

so.. I changed my tyre in Prince George.. had some help, because I didn't always know, if I'm doing the right thing :P but now I did it for the first time and I'm able to do it on my own :D

I travelled on to a beautiful rest place on the river and camped out there. I had two beautiful dragonflies, that hunted the nasty mosquitos around me! :) oh, I just love those insects!! they are cruising through the air and eating their prey on the fly :) (too bad they were filled after half an hour and it got really bad with those bloody blood-sucking suckers ;)

I drove into the Rocky Mountains and stopped 30km before Jasper (a very, very, super touristy spot, I don't wanna be ;). I had no food that night, but run into the right people and we had great discussions and they kept me alive ;) had even a fantastic breakfast the next day and continued to Jasper.

it was actually cloudy that day and a few drops of rain fell.. so I hoped the next day would be better and hell he was! :) a bright day, blue sky and perfect visibility for driving through the Rocky Mountains! ..and believe me, this is one of this very super cool things you do: fly to the other side of the world, pick up a motorbike and just drive along the most beautiful strips.. these roads are totally EPIC!!! :D

there will be a picture of two of that amazing day of riding! :)

I left out various hot springs, because I didn't feel to stop there (camping next to them is generally not possible and there are a lot of tourists around :-/ but camped then at a lake in the mountains in Golden (yes, that's the towns name :)

was also an interesting evening, as I made friends with all the people camping out there ;) got compliments for playing the guitar are for fire juggling :D (oh, I just love doing that stuff!! ;)

the next day I drove to Revelstoke and then down to the ferry to cross the Arrow Lake. They are having several forest fires here (long dry periode), but it might be rainy the coming weekend (even if I hope not too much on Shambhala ;)
this was also a very beautiful ride.. a lot of motorbike riders on the road, because it's narrow and very curvy, therefore fun to ride! :D stopped at a river to jump into the water and cool down a little bit (it's really hot here.. but still prefere it to the cold ;)
I met then my random stranger host here in Castleguard ;) a friend in Dawson City gave me her contact and it has been really a fulfilling time here so far! :)
I helped her out at her fruit stand (entertained the customers with guitar and magic tricks ;) and then the evening we went camping out on a river.. sleeping in our hammocks to the calming sound of flowing waters :)
the next morning we went having super delicious organic breakfast and then for a horseback ride.. I LOVE IT!! :D ..then noon we hooked up with a lot of friends to float down the river. I got my own P.F.D. (personal floating device)

..to be continued.. (battery is low ;) :P

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