Thursday, August 20, 2009

..old McDonald has a farm.. :)

..after I lost my last entry, I just make here a second part.. what's published is published ;)

So I spent the last days on this farm.. had very nice company! a guy from England and a girl from Norway and it was just totally fun toghether!! :D we cooked (even I cooked and found even pleasure doing it ;) and we had great conversations, drunk port wine, played risk and had a totally fulfilling time together!
maybe I also have to mention the Israeli girl, that brought me to the place.. that was a challenge!! I have never experienced somebody like her and I've met quite a lot of people and have been in some relations.. but I had never so much drama, shouting, escalations even getting beaten up.. ah.. you couldn't imagine and it doesn't matter that much. showed me a lot about people and showed me, that I can stay calm and in harmony in very extreme situations ;)'s probably a mix of past experiences, cultural background and 2 years in the military, that messed this girl so much up.. but yes.. glad we run into each other, because otherwise I wouldn't have been on the farm, wouldn't have experienced all this and the resulting wounds are minor.. a bruise that it's about to go away and when I get needle and thread, I can fix my pullover as well ;)

so we fixed IKEA beds and moved them around, got hay for the animals.. they have horses, donkeys, cats and a dog. We dug some holes for posts and painted a fence.. was fun to work as well. Friday evening we wanted to go out and I managed to drive the old Ford pickup on the empty tank (who would know, that they have 2 tanks ;) to run out of gasoline and had to tow it.. because diesel enginges are a bit more complicate to get running again, once out of gas ;)
I learned quite a lot about diesel technology :) so was adventurous.. and we had many helping hands, when we were out in nowhere at night :)
I was hiking on Sunday on a hill and had a nice session with my flutes, didgeridoo and shakers up there.. just by myself and that nobody could hear me ;) haha :D that was FUN!! see the pictures of the lake and the place where we stayed in my Picasa-Album.
met dozens of nice people!! GREAT people should I say!! it's so fantastic, what happens, if you just travel, if you just talk to people.. if you respect them, if you are interested what they do (because we can always learn from it) and how they do it. ..everybody is a human being, everybody has the right to do things the way he does and everybody wants to be loved.. pretty simple, isn't it ;) hehe :)

so I drove yesterday from Gray Creek to Vernon, so we can pack today all we need for the festival at the week-end (Juhuii!! :o) plans from here are: go to the Psy-Trance party in a green valley, come back, do some stuff and get ready for burning man, drive down to burning man (it looks, as these would be 5000km :P and hang out some time down and then get back and continue somehow the motorbike trip ;) hehe :)
yesterday was quite a strange day of driving.. probably because my mind was still full of the experiences of the last days and then I wasn't used to drive anymore that much. It's different, if you drive 6 days in a row from morning to evening.. then I was somehow more into it (but got a sore ass of it ;) so I enjoy having a good mix between driving and staying in a place.. for the next 3 weeks it looks, as my bike would stay here and I gonna make a trip by myself ;)

hmm... yes, that's it.. catched pretty much up.. I'm here in Vernon at Celias place. I met her on Shambhala and she's doing what I am doing.. following the festivals and having fun! :D so yes.. I guess we might getting to know each other pretty well in the next weeks :) she speaks also french and her children (some seem pretty grown up on the pictures hanging on the fridge ;) are with their dad.. so I actually gonna find out in a few moments, what is going to happen the next days :) when we're having breakfast together..

have a great one and may the sun tender your skin! :)

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