Friday, February 18, 2011

..FUCK virginity! ;)

okay.. before going to Melipeuco and climbing a volcano, I´d like to write down the happenings of the last days..

so one thing keeping my mind busy these days was my future job.. I finished my CV and sent it out to some headhunters that hopefully find the perfect job for me. I don´t just want any job, I want THE job that I really can do for 2 years. But many offers are "from now on" and I´ve seen that I have to make decisions (flight back and rest of my trip), before I have a signed contract. I thought that getting a job would define that, but I just have to risk it.. let there be a job for me when I come back!!

then I´m trying to get back into the LifeRolePlay-scene in Switzerland and so about 4-5 month before the game actually happens, I have to talk to organisators and subscribe for the event. One of the events that really sounded good has been booked fully while I was writing the first email.. so I still hope they can get me in, but after being so happy to have a positive answer, the game was full and they had to turn me down :( ..let´s see if they get me in anyway.. I hope for it SOOOO much!!

while driving I lost my hippy-hat and my glasses from my bike-journey in Thailand. Stupid me, dind´t close the bag (thought about and then forgot). but yes.. stuff can be replaced and was not in too much use anyway.. just another reminder that things don´t last forever and some more stuff I lost along the way.

Then I should have proabaly taken the coastal road and not the Highway from Santiago to Chillan. Because the highway was pretty boring and the Andes were too far away to appreciate them.. they kinda got lost in the smog or fog at the horizon. But then maybe I would not have enden in the Chillan hotsprings... a wonderful experience and if I wouldn´t have gotten a bad sunburn, it would have been the perfect day! :)
yes.. really sucks! I care a lot about my skin and luckily can´t even remember when this happened to me the last time. But at the moment it even hurts to wear my jacket (not mentioning how it is to take it on and off). I put sunscreen on my face and shoulders, but maybe didn´t wait long enough before going into the warm water or just stayed for too long (approx 4 hours talking to somebody in the pool) and the sun burned my shoulders and breast :( forgot about the time and even if the water was sulfuric and silted, the sun got through anyway. Well.. now it´s Aloe Vera and getting another cream to heal my skin. Glad this doesn`t happen too often to me!

so I went to the Chillan hotsprings.. it´s kinda like St.Moritz, but off-season.. so I could get a room for 16USD and the place was not too crowded with tourists (it´s for skying in winter.. I was for walking in summer! :)
there were almost no restaurants open, but the one that was open had incredible tasty food!!! so I eat like a king!! :D also had a 20 USD breakfast buffet in a 5-star hotel that was best buffet I´ve ever had! ..I didn´t find something in the village down and when I checked up in the hill, there were only these fancy hotels, so I spent the money, but also grabbed some fruits and made a little sandwich that was my lunch later on (so I could compensate the expenses ;) hehe ;)
so was talking 4 hours in the hot pools and then walking up to some steam-wholes, where sulfuric vapour comes out of the mountain. Got nice view and was a nice hike to smell like sulfur afterwards! ;)
the cheapest option is 9 USD all day long and you can hike in the park as well.. so I was totally fine with that!! otherwise it´s 30-40 USD to use the pool of the hotel and that was WAAAAY to much. I can´t enjoy the fancy expensive hotels.. it´s spending too much money!

I also had more time lately to practise my kung-fu-stuff and it´s looking better and better ;) hehe ;) ..just at the moment can´t move my arms without being in pain :-/ so probably have to wait a day or two, until picking up my toys again.

then at this point I have to mention, that all the people I meet in Chile are REALLY, REALLY nice!! :) ..the country itself is not too stunning.. they got 2000km of desert, then 1000km of nice landscape and then 1500km of also nice landscape, but pretty much unaccessible :P but got a lot of Earthquakes and Tsunamis.. so changing it for Switzerland? NEVER!! :D not even for having 3500km coast! ;) hehe ;)

so the guy yesterday installed my cable TV in my room.. they just had 1 decoder, so he transferred the signal to my room, putting me a TV there and even taking my bike inside over night (I was already sleeping and would have let it outside.. small town in Chile, nothing would happen), but he and 3 other men took it inside and I really appreciate that!! he was also going to buy vinagre for me, so I could make compresses on my red skin. I guess it helped a bit :)
then this morning I had to mention things they forgot to charge me, but it was still very cheap!! the room was 10USD without TV and for all the circumstances he asked for 12 USD finally (my cheapest TV-Room was 30 USD I got in Chile so far). and I was SOOOO happy to watch the Simpson for 2 hours and go to sleep! :) ..really wanted to watch TV and turn off my mind.. and mostly in places, I went to sleep very early, because nothing to do and no TV.. so I appreciated that he installed my a TV! :D

So I had quite some up and downs since I left Santiago.. passed a lot of great moments, but also worried about job, got sunburn, and thinking in general about this trip and my future..
this morning, riding on a dirtroad, I got a stone hitting my foot.. never happened before and hurt a lot!! so I consider just to go to Osorro and then over to Bariloche (where I will NOT stay for long because very expensive) and then going up the Argentinian side.. I know, the most beautiful part of Chile is Puerto Montt and further down.. but all unpaved and then if the waether is cold or covered sky or even raining, then it´s a NO-GO (especially because I knew, will be just 3 weeks of Chile and not too far down, because I´ve already delayed too much with the climate). ..So maybe just another few days in Chile and a few 100km more and then Argentina and all the way up to Bolivia (because that is Fix! -> going to Bolivia, selling the bike and then stop a month in NY and being back home.. actually.. I know already the ending of my trip).

then something that I was also thinking about lately.. well.. have to research it a bit more, but seems to be a tendency:

Virginity seems to be waaay overvalued here in Chile!! So some individuals I talked with, really shocked me with their actitude!! you might find a 28 year old woman that is still virgin, because not married yet.. thats HORRIBLE!!!
first of all.. I think it´s wise to try someone in bed before marrying and living together before marrying.. so you know, if you can stand it and you don´t get divorced right away!
here in Chile, there were more divorces last year than marriages.. wonder why? if they just had 1 person in their life, so they might want to try more.. and: if you are the very, single one that ever got my pussy, so you are MINE and ONLY MINE! and this leads to jalousy (a feeling as useful as hatred, fear or anger) and through jalousy and distrusting each other, people start to cheat on each other. I can say, I will NEVER marry a virgin! ..someone who doesn´t know shit in bed.. can´t surprise me, but has to be taught everything by me.. can´t even show me something new. AND: if they waited for so long.. what meaning has sexuality to you? you never wanted it and now you enjoy it fully? I don´t think so.. I think you let it starve already. I was.. the next step is to prohibit sex and making babies in vials or cutting off their clitoris, because sexual pleasure is anyway denied by society. ..but then talking in double-sense all the time and dancing stupid Reaggeton, practically having sex on the dancefloor, but then being so conservative.. doesn´t make sense to me.. so if somebody said, Chilean women are one of the 3 worst things of South America, he probably had this behaviour in mind (want to be virgin Maria, then being hyper-jalous and cheating on their husband/wife).

well... you don´t know, what you are missing!! ;) haha :D

also thought about how it would be to marry somebody with a child.. not impossible to fall in love with somebody like that (and the child), but I think, I´ll meet somebody, make a lot of party, move together, travel together for long time and then having kids.. so in my plans, it´s hard somebody enters with a child. I might also want to be my first child being her first child.. so going through it together. ..but no worries.. won´t happen in the next 4-5 years ;) hehe ;) life is long and beautiful and I try to enjoy it fully!!

okay.. that´s it.. back on the bike.. want to get to that volcano and tomorrow climbing it.. will be good! :)

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